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Portable Compactors

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-09 at 9.23.14 AM.

Compactor Rentals 

Puran Bros. is equipped with a large range of environmentally friendly compactors to suit the needs of any large business or commercial operations. Our compactors are tailored specifically for our customers based on their needs, requirements, and waste production. These compactors are in absolute conformity with the best internationally accepted waste management standards and practices as their modern technology has significant benefits to users. Our compactors have a compaction ratio of 6:1 and take up very little space. A typical 20 cubic yards compactor, with dimensions of 8 feet by 10 feet, has a remarkable capacity of collecting some 120 cubic yards of wastes. These compactors require a single operator, furthermore they are leak proof, have no signs of visible wastes, controls odors, vermin, and reduces frequent visits of trucks to your site. A modern compactor system will not only aid in your business’s waste solution but create a greener and healthier environment for your customers, employees, and all to enjoy.

Benefits Include:

  • Rationalize use of space

  • Improve hygiene and reduced health hazards.  

  • Secure all wastes, smells, and leaks 

  • Control & Deter pest, vermin, and rodents 

  • Improve image & aesthetics

  • Environmentally friendly  

  • Reduce frequency of collection   

Various Sizes:

  • 8 cubic yards

  • 14 cubic yards

  • 20 cubic yards

  • 25 cubic yards

  • 30 cubic yards

  • 32 cubic yards 

  • 35 cubic yards

Features Include:

  • Side safety gates

  • Wheelie Bin Lift

  • Auto timer & Isolator

  • Light & Safety Reflectors  

  • 30 Seconds cycle time

  • Emergency stop

  • Easy Push Controls

Recommended For: Large Businesses, Hotels, Malls, Office Buildings, Supermarkets, Apartment Buildings, Restaurants, Wharves, or any substantial solid waste producer. 

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-16 at 1.33.03 PM.

Keeping It Clean Is What We Do Best

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